LEXMIND advises and assists clients in the fields of sport, the performing arts, the cultural industry and entertainment.
In the arts sector, our avocats provide advice and assistance to actors, musicians, interpreters, composers, authors, producers, agents, film-makers, production companies, etc, in the negotiation, drafting and finalisation of contracts such as:
- contracts of engagement for artists;
- contracts for production, co-production, etc;
- contracts for publishing and adaptation;
- management contracts;
- contracts for transfers of licences and intellectual property;
- artist agency contracts, etc.
In the sports sector, LEXMIND advises and assists sportsmen and women, clubs and professional sports leagues, federations, agents, etc, in every way as they build up their activities and practices, not only when negotiating and drafting contracts but also to resolve conflicts, especially by representing clients before the regulators or governing bodies of the sport or discipline.